Μετάβαση στο περιεχόμενο

Take a Stand




Under the slogan TAKE A STAND, Athens Pride 2015 takes a stand for 100% equality, justice, acceptance, and respect for lesbians, gay men, bisexual and transgender people (LGBT) together with every member of Greek society.

Likewise, Athens Pride calls upon all of Greek society to recognize and take an urgent stand to support the rights of LGBT people in Greece.

  • Take a Stand to combat discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity in the workplace and in every aspect of daily life.
  • Take a Stand for equality before the law for all LGBT people and their right to form families.
  • Take a Stand for a contemporary, nondiscriminatory educational environment on every level, which would provide security and acceptance for all sexualities, gender expressions, identities, and family structures.
  • Take a Stand in favor of training officials and personnel in all government and social agencies to effectively tackle hate crimes on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity.
  • Take a Stand against hate speech and bullying in all its forms.
  • Take a Stand for the explicit protection of life and freedom from all discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Take a stand with Athens Pride on Saturday, June 13, in Klafthmonos Square, and parade with us through the city center for a truly just and free society.

For Athens Pride 2015

Andrea Gilbert

Press Spokesperson


Important note: Athens Pride 2015 welcomes the newly formed group LGBT PwD (People with Disabilities). This year’s event will be fully accessible, including, as always, signing for the hearing impaired.