24 Hours – OUT In Touch
2010 Olympic & Paralympic Games gets a splash of Pink!
On Feb. 8th the first ever Pride House pavilion will open at the 2010 Olympic Winter Games and the world will be welcomed by the local and international LGBT* community.
What is Pride House?
Pride house is a culmination of partners and supporters in the LGBT community that recognize the importance of visibility. Similar to national and cultural pavilions that will be present at the Olympics, the LGBT nation will be represented at Pride House.
Pride House was made possible with the generous support of local and international sponsors that recognize the importance of diversity and equality for all persons. Mark F. Chapman, Co-President of InterPride said, “This is a ground-breaking initiative and will enlighten the world with the human rights inequalities existing for millions of LGBT people around the world”. Having InterPride involved as well as other International LGBT organizations gives Pride House a powerful advocacy voice.
Currently, there are still countries around the world where an individual’s sexual orientation or gender identity can lead to discrimination, violence, imprisonment, torture or even death. In seven countries around the world, homosexuality is punishable by death and in seventy-eight countries there still exist serious legal sanctions against LGBT people.
Pride House was conceived by Gay Whistler as an initiative to bring light to the violations and prejudice that exist today. The Declaration of Montreal, a document that supports and protects LGBT persons internationally, will be available to sign in Whistler. In addition, those wanting to contribute to change can donate to the InterPride Solidarity Fund via the pridehouse.ca website and support Prides in Conflict around the world.
Pride House has already achieved its primary goal of creating awareness and dialogue on homophobia within sport and in general. It has garnered international media attention with the New York Times, USA Today, Netherlands News, CanWest Global (Vancouver Sun, Ottawa Citizen, etc.), Globe & Mail, CTV, CBC, Swiss TV, Republique (Italy), Agence France and others all requesting information and interviews. The buzz is expected to continue and grow throughout the games especially if athletes, ‘come out’ and play.
Pride House will have three primary locations:
PRIDE house Vancouver: Open Feb. 10th – Mar. 21st Situated at Qmunity- BC’s Queer Resource Centre, will be the operational hub for Pride House 2010 where LGTB resources and information on immigration, social services and workshops will be available.
PRIDE house Vancouver Celebration Venue: Open Feb. 12th – Mar. 21st Situated in the heart of Davie Street within the Gay Village – Score on Davie is the primary celebration Venue for PRIDE house Vancouver. Free Wi-Fi, huge HDTVs to watch the Olympics, special exhibition of Jeff Sheng’s "Fearless" photo exhibit showcasing Out Athletes.
PRIDE house Whistler: Open Feb. 8th – Mar. 21st Situated in the heart of Whistler Village – PRIDE house Whistler is the primary Pride Pavilion at the 2010 Olympic & Paralympic Winter Games. The pavilion offers complimentary Wi-Fi, fantastic cocktail bar, Huge HDTVs and special art instillations including Jeff Sheng’s "Fearless", Edmund Haakonson’s Slapshotolus, and Gilbert Baker’s Pride Art. Exclusive Pride House merchandise, Speaker’s Chalet and more! Come and celebrate diversity at the games For more info refer to pridehouse.ca
* LGBT means Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Two Spirited (gay First Nations people), Queer, Questioning, Intersex, and their friends, family and allies.